My wonderful Rhodesian Ridgebacks

My wonderful Rhodesian Ridgebacks

I have owned Ridgebacks for many years, both dogs and bitches and from puppies, rescue and rehome backgrounds.

All have been amazing dogs that I could trust around all other animals without worry, very easy going, happy to lie about in the house or go for a full days walk. Excellent with children when used to them from a young age and aloof with strangers but not aggressive.

Part time watch dogs when they can be bothered and not as hardy in cold weather as they could be. Big sleepers who love their home comforts.

Strong willed yes and not as motivated to do training as some other breeds but they make a loyal companion who loves to be with you.

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Ridgeback Owners love their Dogs!

by: Pat

It's funny, after nearly 50 years of tromping around with my own dogs, I would guess I have met less than 6 people who own Rhodesian Ridgebacks. But, every time I meet someone and talk with them, they absolutely LOVE their dogs!

The other thing I have noticed is that these dogs have been very well mannered. Based on their naturally willful nature and their hound instincts, I suspect the owners I have met spend adequate time with obedience training and keep their dogs active.

This might seem like a strange comparison, but my odd little mind just drew a comparison between this dog breed and the Chevrolet Corvair. Hear me out!

The Corvair has a very loyal following among enthusiasts and is a bit temperamental. However, most of the current owners take really good care of their cars and give them the attention they need. Consequently, they love their cars and their cars love them (so to speak).

Yes, I'm weird, but that's what came to mind.

Ridgebacks are a very loyal and devoted sort and I'm glad to hear from people who love them so much.

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